Creatures of the Mega Doodles
"The artwork by Erol Zendis is akin to a Magic Eye piece from the 1990s mashed up with a Where’s Waldo. His pieces pull you in with how busy they are and keep you looking at them for hours examining all the different characters that make up the piece. His attention to details is phenomenal! His work is reminiscent of a bored student doodling on the side of a paper, only Erol has filled up the whole page and it’s absolutely fantastic!"
Erol にとって、アートは瞑想的な体験です。Welcome to the CREATURES section of Erol's website, where you can delight your eyeballs in the visual splendour showcased below. Among these remarkable Zendian creations, you will find a selection of masterpieces, including the renowned "El Mond Est Flächen." Many of these extraordinary works have been exhibited at the famous Hive Gallery, in Los Angeles, acknowledged as the city's finest gallery! Immerse your eyeballs in the captivating bliss of Erol's doodles.
Click on images to enlarge & zoom-in to appreciate true awesomeness. Find the Walrus...Goo goo g'joob.